Brightwaters NY, October 22nd and 23rd, 2010.

Friday evening supper at Brandt and Sandy's home. From the head of the table clockwise: Sandy Rising, Mike Bruce, Bob Tilden, Barbara Kemp, Joe Williams, the back of Brandt's head, and Holt Apgar. We spent most of the evening around the table, talking back and forth while time stood still. We broke up just before 2AM.

The other side of the table, from the left: Holt Apgar, Phebe Smith Apgar, Lisa Beslity, Steve Beslity, and Sandy Rising.

Several of us had breakfast together on Saturday morning and then took a roundabout route to the Fall Fair. This picture of Barbara and Joe was taken at Bayville Beach.

Saturday afternoon at the alumni tent. From the right, counter-clockwise: Eric Koster and his wife Gloria, Joe Williams, Barbara Kemp, Mike Brown and his SO Anne.

The same group, from another angle. Again counter-clockwise from the left, Barbara Kemp, Bob Tilden, and Joe Williams.

The Saturday evening gathering was at Rising's Field House

Steve and Lisa Beslity with Joe Williams and Holly Russell.

Sandy working. Neil Rising is showing "baby pictures" to Brandt and Bill Benjamin.

Bill Benjamin, Mike Brown and Anne, and Steve Beslity.

Brandt Rising and Joe Williams.

Bill Benjamin, Donna Tilden.

Sandy Rising, still working.

Neil Rising playing the hurdy- gurdy

At the end of Saturday's dinner, discussion wandered to the 50th reunion. Dave Pratt took charge of the discussion, and led us throgh the yearbook page by page. As each name was read, Holly wrote down their last known whereabouts, and different ways that we might find them.

Perhaps the "red eye" was the usual camera flash problem, or maybe it showed how serious David was about gathering everybody for the 50th reunion.

Holly Russell, taking notes during the meeting. Phebe Alice is to her right, and Donna Tilden to her left.

A photo taken during the 50th reunion meeting.

Our formal picture. From the left, seated: Holly Russell, Barbara Kemp, Phebe Smith Apgar. Standing, from the left: Bob Tilden, Joe Williams, Steve Beslity, Bill Benjamin, Eric Koster, Mike Brown, David Pratt, Brandt Rising, and Holt Apgar. Mike Bruce is missing from the picture.

Our formal picture, this time with spouses. From the left, seated: Holly Russell, Barbara Kemp, and Phebe Smith Apgar with Holt standing to her left. Standing, from the left: Bob Tilden and Donna, Joe Williams, Steve Beslity and Lisa, Bill Benjamin, Eric Koster and Gloria, Mike Brown and Anne, David Pratt, and Brandt Rising with Sandy.