The head- end of the Friday night table. From the back side, counter- clockwise:
Holt Apgar, Kathy Springsteed, Richard Springsteed, Wendy Miller Coslett, Donna Tliden, Brandt Rising, Ned Coslett, Holly Russell, Phebe Alice Smith Apgar.

The above picture plus Sandy Rising, Bill Benjamin, and Barbara Kemp.

Bill Benjamin and Barbara Kemp

Wendy Miller Coslett and Mike Bruce

Left to right, Kathy Springsteed, Ned Coslett, Wendy Miller Coslett, Barbara Kemp, Richard Springsteed.

Bill Benjamin, Jay Tucker, Mike Bruce. At the FA alumni tent Saturday afternoon.

Richard Springsteed, Brandt Rising, Eric Koster, Jay Tucker, Mike Bruce, Bob Tilden near the football field.

Brandt Rising and Mike Bruce on the Field House porch late Saturday afternoon

The Field House porch.

Jay Tucker, Donna Tilden, Sandy Rising, and Mike Bruce working in the kitchen Saturday evening.

Eric Koster, Mike Bruce, Brandt Rising, Christie Pratt, and Dave Pratt. From this point on, most everybody has been identified in previous photographs. I will just use first names unless further information is necessary.

Phebe Alice, Wendy, Holly

Wendy greets Eric. Over her shoulder, Fred Smith is talking with Sandy. Kathy and Barbara in the right background.

Jay and Carol Curran Lyall in background, Eric in the foreground.

Eric, Sandy, Christie, Dave, Wendy, and Ned.

Barbara, Carol, and Mike

Holly, Benj, Fred Smith

Brandt and Mike with final preparations.

Carol and Neil Rising

Wendy and Carol

Brandt and Bob. Brandt cranked a tune on the hurdy- gurdy while Bob made the stuffed monkey dance. At the end of the show, Brandt announced that all the food for the weekend was free, but that the music would cost $53 a head. Bob collected it in the tin cup in his left hand.

Bob, Wendy, Brandt, Carol, Benj, and Holly

Dave Pratt, Eric Koster

Carol, Benj, Holly, and Dave.

All of us at once!

Fred Smith, Ned Coslett, Gloria Koster, Kathy Springsteed and Sandy Rising as the group pictures were taken.

Donna caught us from the side during the shoot.

Holt, Carol, and Holly. Near the end of the evening, we couldn't resist the fun of mixing alcohol and gunpowder... We charged up Brandt's cannon with a load of black powder and a chunk of pepper cheese. We all went down to the canal to touch it off, and this picture was taken as one carload returned to the Field House.

It was the last picture I took of the reunion, and it makes a fitting picture with which to say "goodbye... for now"

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