I had tried to find Laura since I took this correspondent job. Finally, in an aside from Maryanne came a hint. She asked about Laura because she was in Laura's wedding. I found Laura McLyman in Philadelphia.

We had a very pleasant and long conversation about our 50 years of life's twists and turns. Her husband, and Annnapolis grad, died young, and Laura made a career out of paralegal work. She is fairly well centered between her two daughters, one in California and the other in England.

She sent me this e-mail afterward:


It was such fun talking to you last night. I have not been in contact for so many years with anyone from F.A. I would love to see anyone passing through Philadelphia from F.A. I am going to California in October to visit my daughter and her family.

Not sure what the plans are as yet for the California trip, but I will try to firm up before committing to the reunion. When I went on F.A. website...I cannot believe fellow classmates are residing near Edgerton and Wiscasset Maine... I spent a very memorable summer on a farm in Edgerton when I was thirteen... I remember it as very remote but a wonderful place, replete with trout and a Moose.

You are very kind for contacting me and organizing the reunion. I look forward to hearing from you again. My Best to you and yours,


And a final note from me, I am not "kind" to be calling people... I am selfish. I really want to see everyone again!... Bob.

August 27, 2015

Sorry Bob,

Plans for California family event in October were somewhat in the air, so to speak. I will not be able to attend the reunion, but will be there in spirit and would love to hear how it goes. I plan on moving to California in the next year or so. Please send my hello and best wishes to all. Please keep and touch and let me know how the reunion goes.

My best to you and yours,

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