September 2005:
I had a nice conversation with Barbara during the week that I spent on the telephone, trying to muster support for the reunion. Barbara couldn't make it, but she was glad to have been "found" and glad to learn what the rest of us have been up to.
She sent two pictures and a short review of the last 40 years:
Hi, here is a nice pic of me and Lonnie. Will send more when I figure out how to send more than one at a time.
My bio is short. married 1970 Boston Ma 2 kids, Sara 32, Seth 27 both fabulous and beautiful
Main career, tennis coach at Boston University, taught tennis for over 20 yrs; was at BU for 10yrs. Owned my own business for 6 yrs sold it and retired for a few yrs. Sales rep for Canadian Co. Moved to Fort Lauderdale, Florida in 1994. LOVE IT.
Divorced 1995 Worked on mega yachts for 3 yrs in Florida, was terrible at it, but traveled some great places. Went through the Panama Canal on a private yacht along side a huge oil tanker, what a thrill.
Retired for good 1998. Play tennis everyday. Love my life.
Have spent the last 8 summers in Needham, Ma. helping to take care of my sister Lynne, who died Sept 1, 2005 We miss her very much. She was class of '61, I think?
Would love to hear from Friends at Friends, sorry I can't make the reunion. Thanks for finding me and your call the other night. It was nice to talk to you.
Me and my kids at the beach in Ft. Lauderdale.